Microsoft forefront tmg 2010 windows server 2012
Microsoft forefront tmg 2010 windows server 2012

Just to be clear, Microsoft did everything possible to promote the 'far superior' SMP functionality in NT Server 4.0 even though the entire world knew it was BS. Why? To sell as many NT Server 4.0 licenses and upgrades as possible. Still, Microsoft kept churning out white papers about how much better it was then 3.51. People took them to task about it and the understanding I mean, entire 100 page white papers were written about it. When NT Server 4 came out Microsoft wrote many articles mentioning how much better it was at Symmetric Multi-Processing then NT 3.51 was. Microsoft just woke up one morning and did what they always do, pulled the plug on it with no though to their clients whatsoever. It doesn't matter that you paid a gazillion dollars for TMG or that you implemented a major (and complex) large scale roll-out. What you, as a paying customer, thinks or desires is never a part of their decision making process. They never updated the documentation for it, instead they routinely direct people to the ISA 2004 docs for TMG 2010. They've also made it very hard to find any documentation I mean, to give you an example of just how screwed up Microsoft is, they can't even release a proper Service Pack for TMG 2010 that incorporates all their hotfixes and rollups. So, at least there were some checks and balances there. So if/when Microsoft screwed up, the press would write up an article about it and Gates would immediately address When Gates was there you could always motivate him by ridiculing him in the press. No mistake, it's gotten worse over the years since Gates left. This is not Microsoft and almost never has been. As a result of that philosophy people are inspired to buy the company's products and tend to trust the company because they see that philosophy in action. In a real business customer satisfaction is key. So if they 'see' another way forward that still enables them to get that loot (or more of it) they'll just arbitrarily change direction - without a thought to their customers. Their decision making process is strictly governedīy what's best for them - that's it. They don't even think about (or care about) their installed client base or how this will effect them. This is why you get arbitrary decisions such as killing off TMG. Instead, they've always operated from a desire to obtain their customer's money. I've often said, if Bill Gates really wants to be a humanitarian his first endeavor should be a return to Microsoft.his customers are really hurting and it's a clear case of needing humanitarian intervention.īut, and let's be clear, Microsoft has never operated from a sincere desire to serve their customers. Long time before it ever really affects them. But, they are also so large that they really can screw the pooch (and the customer) for a very Very much a case of 'the emperor has no clothes'. Microsoft has made so many bad moves over the last 5 years it's just incredible. Hey Ballmer, can I run the show for a couple years? I've no education and no experience.

Microsoft forefront tmg 2010 windows server 2012